Thursday afternoon 7.5.20

On Thursday afternoons we do reading skills, science and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Think back to Jack’s house in part 1 of Jack and the Beanstalk. You may want to re-watch the video and pause at the part that shows the kitchen cupboard. Use the sheet (or just draw if you prefer) other yucky things that could have been in Jack’s fridge. resource_sheet_1

What sorts of food would Jack prefer to eat? What did he daydream about?

1.50 – 2.45pm: Science

Using the tally chart you completed on Tuesday when you went on a wild plant hunt, which of the plants was the most common? Which one did you see the least of? Can you make a bar chart or pictogram using your tally chart? You may want to use Junior Infant tools for this as you are familiar with it and it’s brill! Make sure ‘table’ and ‘bar’ are ticked but nothing else. As you enter your tally data into the table, it will automatically complete the bar chart.

Watch the time-lapse video of the bean growing and focus on what happens between day 7 and day 14. Write a few sentences, or discuss, what happens in as much detail as you can. If you are growing things at home, do this with your own plants. Do they need watering now too? Have any changes occurred with the stem or the leaves? Can you see the roots of your plant? What may be happening to them? bean plant video

2.45pm onward: Spend time outside, particularly as the good weather is back! Maybe you could take some more pictures of trees or see what other wild plants you can find whilst on a walk. A nice activity would be to collect some different leaves from trees. How many different ones can you find?

Enjoy! x