Thursday 9th July


Year 5 are looking at translations (that is when a shape moves) and Year 6 at angles in regular polygons.

Year 5 video      Lesson-4-Translation      Lesson-4-Answers

Year 6 video    Lesson-4-Angles      Lesson-4-Answers

I really enjoyed your stories yesterday. It did make a difference you not having to worry about mistakes. Today I would like you to look at the story starters PowerPoint. This has 5 different story starts to do with space. Use the same ideas as yesterday and DON’T worry about mistakes.You can continue one of these starters or make up your own. Use Francesca’s idea and use book creator. You might want to take two days doing this so that you can have pictures to go with it.

For art please look at the idea that goes on the main school website. For further help look at Who is Henri Matisse?


Have a go at trying to reproduce some of his work. Henri Matisse biography. Henri-Matisse-powerpoint

If you want to try something extra tell me what things you would like to find out about space and the Victorians next year. No promises but we might be able to carry it out. Have a good day. Is there anything you would really like to do next week?