Thursday 9th July

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all doing alright and didn’t end up getting too wet and soggy yesterday! Here’s our work for today.



Today we are going to continue looking at poetry and write our own poem. We are going to be writing acrostic poems, this is where the first letter of each line spells out a word. So you will need to think of a word (perhaps your name) and think of words to describe each letter. Here’s my acrostic poem about Room 4.

Room 4

You can choose any word you like! Have fun.



I hope you are all getting better at your number bonds now – you will really need these when you start year 1! Today I would like you to have a go at the online game below to help you get even better at your number bonds. You will need to select the ‘number bonds’ option, and then ‘make 10’.

You can have a go at the other levels too afterwards if you would like.

Hit The Button


I hope you all have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x