Thursday 7th May

Hello everyone,

It’s a bank holiday tomorrow so today will be our last day of homeschooling for the week! Today it is Literacy, Maths and Understanding the World.



If you haven’t already done so then please finish writing your story. I am honestly amazed by how much writing you have all been doing and how well you have all remembered the story – so well done, you are all superstars!



A few of the parents have told me about this fab video to help with counting in 2s, have a look (I’ll warn you – it’s very catchy though!)

Once you’ve watched this, can you please have a go at the worksheet below. You will need to cut and stick the numbers in order by counting in 2s. In Reception, we would only expect the children to be confident up to 20, so if they are struggling beyond this then please don’t worry (I just couldn’t find an activity that only went up to 20).

If it’s a bit tricky, have a go at counting in 1s until you find the next number on your sheet. Counting in 2s can take a bit of mastering sometimes!

Counting in 2s Cut and Stick


Understanding the World:

Today I would like you to have a think about all the people in your house and some of the things that they are responsible for. Can you name one thing that each person is responsible for doing around the house? How many things can you think of that you are responsible for? It might be looking after a pet, tidying your room, laying the table, making your bed etc.

Draw or write some of the things that you and other people in your house are responsible for doing.

Afterwards you could discuss why it is important that these jobs get done. You could also discuss whether it would be fair for Mummy or Daddy to be responsible for all the jobs in the house!


Have a fantastic day and a lovely bank holiday weekend – it’s set to be a lovely one!

Missing you all,

Miss Roberts x