Thursday 7th May

Hello Everyone!

English – I hope you’re enjoying Flat Stanley! Stanley has just been invited to come to his local radio station! The radio presenter wants to interview him to find out all about the strange and unusual events that have happened in Stanley’s life, since the day the bulletin board fell on him! Today, I’d like you to plan some questions that the radio presenter would like to ask Stanley. Then I’d like you to put them in the order they will be asked. Remember that questions, start with capital letters and end with question marks. You can make up the name of the radio station & the presenter. If you want another member of Stanley’s family to go with him, they could be asked questions too! You will be writing the whole interview, tomorrow.

Maths – Please continue with the White Rose Maths. Day 4 – Multiplying and Dividing by 3.

Check your answers

For those of you feeling more confident with today’s lesson on White Rose Maths, you could watch the video for May 6th which will help you see dividing by 3, in another way

PSHE – These lovely resources have been produced for children and parents for PSHE lessons. They focus on children’s physical and emotional health and how we can look after this, in these uncertain times. Have a go at the ‘5 things a day’ activity and the mindfulness wheel colouring.

I am posting the link to the second pack here for parents to read if they wish to.

PE – There are some great ideas for PE lessons here: