Thursday 7th January

Hi everyone,


I hope you had a good day of home learning yesterday! Here’s our work for today.


Morning activity

Can you cut and stick the numbers in the right order from 1-10. You can count the pictures to see how many there are if you are finding it tricky to recognise the numbers. If you have anything with numbers on at home, you could use these instead to order from 1-10.

Cut and Stick to 10


Letters and Sounds

Today I would like you to see how many tricky words you can remember. Have a look at all the Phase 2 tricky words first to remind yourself (I, the, no, go, to, into) and then get a grown up to read them out one at a time. Can you have a go at writing down the tricky words from memory? Listen to the word, what sounds can you hear? Which part is helpful, and which part is trying to trick us? We know in ‘to’, we can hear the ‘t’, so that part is helpful, but the ‘o’ is trying to trick us! Don’t worry if you can’t remember many tricky words – it doesn’t matter! Once you start looking at them every day again, it will soon get easier.



We are going to carry on with some addition today. I would like you to get 5 of your favourite bears or cuddly toys out – count them to make sure that you have the right amount.

  1. Can you give each bear something to play with? How many toys do you have out altogether now?
  2. Can you give 2 bears a book to read? How many books and bears do you have altogether?
  3. Can you give 4 bears something to wear? How many items of clothing and bears do you have altogether?
  4. Can you take 3 bears away? How many bears do you have left?
  5. Can you give each of the remaining bears a friend? How many do you have altogether now?

You can come up with as many things to do with your bears as you like, but make sure you keep counting every time. Remember when we do adding, we always use the word ‘altogether’ to find out how many we have at the end.


Afternoon activity

Thursdays are now our Forest School days, so today I have an outdoors activity for you!

As we are learning about vehicles this term, I thought it might be a good opportunity to get out for some fresh air. Why don’t you go on a walk near where you live and see how many different vehicles you see? Remember – not all vehicles drive on the road, you might want to remember to have a look up to the sky and see if you can see any flying vehicles around too. If you like, you could always take the vehicle sheet below with you and see how many you can tick off?

Vehicle Spotting Sheet



I have uploaded another story onto Tapestry for you to enjoy.


Have a lovely day! I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to.

Miss Roberts x