Thursday 7th

After saying all week that we wouldn’t have White rose next week now we will. The school have purchased a subscription so we can carry on using it. (Thanks to Mr.Langford, Mrs Rowe and Mrs Andrew)

Our maths will be working on calculating perimeter. The children can either use white rose or Bitesize for this as they are working together on this.

For English we will be using Bitesize too and continue with story setting. If any of the children prefer to use literacy planet or national academy they can do so.

For maths and English there are also tasks on sumdog for them.

In RE we are looking at Islam and we are going to be looking at the five pillars of Islam

On Friday the country will be celebrating VE day so I thought it would be good for the children to look at this powerpoint so they have some understanding of why the country will be celebrating the day.

If any of the children want to continue with other work or try something new please let them