Thursday 5th November

Good morning,

For those of you that are at home today, this morning we are practising our times tables.  We are using our fingers to help us count in 1,2,3,5,and 10s when answering times table questions.  To help us practise this skill, we are all playing ‘Hit the Button’  The link is below.

In our English work, we are writing descriptions of Tudor London. Yesterday we thought about what was above us, below us, near us and in the distance.  We are going to use these fronted adverbials to help us start sentences.  Watch the video below again.  Think about what you can see, hear, touch and smell.  Think about what is above you, below you, next to you and what you can see in the distance.

Can you write a description of London, using plenty of adjectives and expanded noun phrases ( adjective, adjective noun eg dark, damp houses or  brown, wooden building)

Our reading comprehension for today is ‘Amazing Antarctic Animals’

Complete the one that is best suited to you.

Amazing Antarctic animals.

This afternoon, as it Bonfire night, we are looking at the history of today and why we celebrate it.


We are going to draw our own firework pictures based on this.   Have a look at this web search for some ideas and choose your favourite.

Have a lovely day,

Love from Mrs Pope x