Thursday 4th March

Happy World Book Day to you all! Here are the activities for Thursday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Hey Monkey!


As it is World Book Day today, why not spend some time listening to or reading your favourite book? Is your favourite book a story? Maybe it’s a poem? Or it could be an information book. What do you like about this book?

Make a book cover for your favourite book or draw a picture to match your favourite poem or part of a story. You may also want to look at the website post for World Book Day and have a go at some of the other activities suggested, such as dressing up as your favourite book character or playing ‘Guess Who?’ describing well-known characters.


Starter: Hit the Button

This week we have been looking at how addition facts can be related to subtraction facts. We know, for example, that if 5+2=7 then 7-2=5. Hopefully, you are now starting to see how they are connected. Today we will continue to build on this.

Yellows for maths: Each bead string shows two different sorts of beads. Write one addition number sentence and one subtraction number sentence that matches what is shown each time. Bead Addition and Subtraction

Greens: Write two addition and two subtraction number sentences using the three numbers each time. You only need the first page (working within 10) so be careful when you are printing! addition-and-subtraction-fact-families-differentiated-activity-sheets

You may choose to just write the three numbers each time and write your number sentences down on a piece of paper. The first three numbers are 7,4 and 3. My number sentences would be:





Blues: Start with the activity above (for green group). Then, if you are confident, try page 3 of the above file where you are working on number facts to 20. Did you find that your number bonds to 10 helped you with this? How?


Apologies if you struggled last week with the ‘Bake a Cake’ coding activity. It wouldn’t work for us at school so we used this brilliant site instead: Turtle

First, choose the ‘blank’ template. Then, press the + sign and it will ask you to choose a sprite. Select the one you want. This is the icon that will move around the board. You will see that there are directional arrows next to the sprite: forward, backward, left turn and right turn. Explore moving your sprite around the page by pressing on these commands. Do you notice each instruction appearing down the left hand side of the page as you do it? See if you can command your sprite to start at the bottom left hand side of the screen and move it to the top right. When you have watched the sprite follow each instruction in turn, press the ‘play’ button. The sprite should then follow your instructions all on its own. You have created an algorithm for the sprite to follow. We discovered that if you press the green pen picture, your sprite will draw each move too. Have fun drawing pictures by giving your sprite an algorithm to follow.


Start with the flashcards: Flashcards

Today we will look at different ways to spell the ‘oa’ sound. How many can you remember? (oa, ow, oe, o-e) How many words containing these can you find in the story? Highlight them. altspellings-oa-phoneme-spotter

Again, you may prefer the online version and to have a go at the word sorting game too: online phoneme spotter and games


What do you remember about the Christian creation story? Do you remember how the Bible tells Christians that the world was made in 7 days? Maybe you can remember what God did/made on some of these days. The creation story for Sikhs is similar to that in the Bible but there is no set order of what happened when.

Whatever we believe about how the world was created, we all agree that our world is special and amazing. We are surrounded by stunning natural sights. Here are some beautiful places around the world. You may want to watch the video without the sound and discuss each of the places. amazing places around the world

What’s amazing about them? What sounds would you hear if you visited them? How would it make you feel being there? Can you find something beautiful and amazing in your garden or when you are out on a walk? Maybe you could take a photo of it and then describe it. You may want to draw or paint a picture of it, or create your own model of it using craft materials.

Have a wonderful day, everyone. x