Thursday 4th June

Good morning everybody,

I hope you are all well and the rain showers didn’t stop you from getting outside yesterday.

Morning Maths:

Have a little go at solving these word problems using your multiplying and dividing skills.

Morning Maths


As usual, we are continuing with the year 2 White Rose maths today.  Lesson 4.

Here are the worksheets.


I hope you have fun with your maths today.


We are continuing with our work on the film ‘Bubbles’ today.

Here is the video so you may remind yourselves of the story.

So, yesterday we described how the little girl went zooming through the sky then plummeted beneath the waves and saw the fish darting around a coral reef.  Today I would like you to write the ending to the story.

You will need to describe how she shoots into space.  Pick your adjectives and adverbs to describe space carefully. What does she see? What is near by or in the distance?  What colours are surrounding her? How does she feel as she floats gently back towards the beach? What does she think as she sees the other little girl walking sadly along the sand?  How does it make her feel as she leaves the bubbles for her?

This is  your final paragraph of this story so choose your adjectives and adverbs carefully.

When you have finished writing, re-read your whole story from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Whip out your editing finger and check your work.  Are there any spellings you can correct yourself? Can you add in any more or better adjectives or adverbs?  Have you missed a full stop or capital letter?  Well done everyone.

Reading- Please read a bit more of your reading book, then have a listen to this.

Please can you practise your spellings ready for tomorrow’s test.

Thursday afternoon is our Topic afternoon. Yesterday you read some information about Victorian toys.  Today I would like you to have a look at this PowerPoint.    It shows lots of different Victorian toys, most of which belonged to the children of rich families.  Children in poor Victorian families often had homemade toys.

Victorian Toys

Here is a video showing some real Victorian toys. Can you spot the toys that are from rich families? How do you know?

Can you spot the home made toys belonging to poorer children?

Are there any toys that children still play with today?


If you wish you can choose a toy from the sheet below and have a go at making your own simple Victorian toy.  My favourite is the thaumatrope!

victorians games

Have a lovely day everyone, let me know how you are getting on!

Mrs Pope