Thursday 4th June

Hi everyone,


I hope you all managed alright with a bit of a drizzly day yesterday, it’s a shame that sunshine has gone now! Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths and Letters and Sounds.



If you have got it at home, can you please read the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. If you haven’t got it, then there’s a video of the story below:


Then, can you make a list of all the items that the caterpillar munched his way through in the story?



I’ve got a game for you today!

I would go for the ‘one coin’ option if I were you, and maybe start off with the 1p’ level. If you are feeling really confident with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s then you might want to choose the 2p, 5p or 10p option to have a go at afterwards. But just choose whichever level is going to suit you best.


Letters and Sounds:

We are going to recap the ‘oi’ sound today. Can you read the sentences below and decide whether the answer is yes or no. Write them down in different sections if you like, or just read them and say the answer out loud.

Can a coin flip?

Can you put a fish in foil?

Can soil be pink?

Can an owl join a town?

Will a car need oil?

Can you surf on a coin?


I hope you all have a lovely day,

Miss Robert x