Thursday 4th June

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoying your week.


Please continue with the White Rose Maths, session 4. White Rose


We would like you to finish your report today by writing a conclusion to summarise your main points. Read through your report so far. Some sentence starters may be: In conclusion…or …Finally…or …So you can see…  You may want to refer back to your introduction or say that there are many more Gods and Goddesses to find out about.

Once you have finished, you can edit your work by reading it through once more and checking for any spelling mistakes – does the word look right? If not, ask someone, use spell checker or check in a dictionary. Have you missed any CAPITAL LETTERS or full stops? Included a title and all subheadings? Take your time.


I would like you to have a think about a Greek art project that you would like to work on over the next few weeks. I have attached some images of ideas you may want to use. You will need to talk to your parents about what you would like to create and resources you may have at home. You could make a Greek vase from papier mache (wallpaper paste and newspaper) – there are some pictures on the second page of this. You could use clay if you have some. Other ideas could include: a Labryrinth (made from string stuck to cardboard), a mask for a Greek theatre performance, an olympic wreath, an olympic medal, a greek temple. Today, is your planning session so have a look at my pictures attached or do some research of your own. There are lots of ideas out there. Jot down some ideas and things you may need to gather. Have fun!Greek art ideas