Thursday 2nd June – Digging Deeper!

You have been doing a fantastic job with your learning this week. I get really excited when I check my emails and get to see what you have been up to at home and in school. Thank you!
To get us in the mood for today – here is a song about digging deep and trying your best.

Maths – Digging Deeper with Line Graphs!

Today the focus is on line graphs – going a little further and digging a little deeper! I got over excited yesterday and posted Thursday’s work a day early so today we will look at lesson3…sorry!
First of all watch the White Rose video (lesson 3, wc 29th July).
Now complete the main task: Lesson-3-Introducing-line-graphs
Here are the answers, so you can check you work:Lesson-3-Answers-Introducing-line-graphs-1

If you would like to go further with your learning, then work through the BBC Daily Lesson
Then, complete this extension task: Line Graph extension work

English – Digging Deeper into Reading!

Most of you know that I am very keen on reading. Today, I would like you to complete a book review for me to see. I feel that you can get to know lots about someone by finding out about one of their favourite books! Some of these reviews will go up in our classroom to help other people choose a good book to read. The template I have chosen has lots of elements to complete (but none of them should take too long) and I am especially keen to see your book cover designs!
Book Review Template

PE – Digging Deeper and Persevering!

So many of you have told me how amazingly sporty and fit you are, so I thought I would set you some physical challenges this afternoon.

Warm Up:And:

For your main PE this afternoon you can get active in any of the ways that you most enjoy!
Here are some suggestions:
– practice your football skills (how many keepy-uppies can you do?)
– create a gymnastic or dance routine (if someone at home is happy to take a video or a photograph – I would love to see it)
– go for a walk or a run