Thursday 2nd July

Really sorry about that. The joys of technology. A word of warning – the chromebooks are still not working so the video chats may not happen today.

Maths. For maths I would like the children to have a go at

white rose lesson 4. We couldn’t complete some of this earlier in the week because it was a repeat of work or you would have needed a protractor and not everyone would have one. This is looking at the angles around a point. You really need to watch the video as it is something new.  Lesson-4        Lesson-4-Answers

English. For English I would like you to try using imperative verbs to write instructions. Bitesize has some fantastic videos and quizzes. If you would like to write instructions for something different than they suggest that is abslutely fine.

Topic work. Next term we will be looking at aspects of the Victorians. I want to know what class book we should have. It would be lovely if it was set in Victorian times. I have put links to sites with suggestions. Which one should we choose? See if you can think of any more.

List one    List two

I have got my favourite and will say which one later. Please give a reason for your choice.