Thursday 28.1.21 Home Learning

Maths- We are putting into practise yesterday’s lesson by using expanded method again to add money. Below are two activtiy sheets, you only need to do one. You have a collection of grocery items which you must add together using the expanded column method.  To make life easier, it would help if children could use squared paper as it will help hugely with setting out their numbers into hundreds, tens and ones and avoid digits getting muddled! I will be doing a Live at 9am on Thursday if you want to join.

Activity 1 (Slightly easier)Grocery Store Price List Addition using expanded column method

Activity 2 (Slightly trickier)Grocery Store Price List 2

Answers – Answers adding money

Spellings– please practise your spellings. If you don’t have them, then please look back at last Friday’s post.

Guided Reading

Today’s Guided Reading is investigating the life of David Attenborough. A broadcaster and natural historian who is very good at highlighting environmental issues. Yet again, I couldn’t separate them , so please how a quick glance and decide which is most suitable for your child.

LkS2 David Attenborough differentiated reading comprehension

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post from Monday for the lesson


LO: To sort magnetic and non magnetic items.

Heads-up! Equipment needed for Science

  • A magnet ( a fridge magnetic might do it!)
  • A collection of magnetic and non magnetic materials.

Please work your way through the PP which explain how a magnet might attract some magnetic items and not others. Can the children generalise a rule into what is attracted to a magnet or not? Are there some exceptions (hint hint: some coins aren’t!)

Lesson Presentation Scrapyard Challenge

There is a weblink to follow in the PP but I’ll attach it here too for you. How do magnets help in a scrapyard?

You can pick which activity you want depending on if you can find different materials. The first sheet allows you to pick objects that you want and the second gives you a few to get you started.

magnetic or non magnetic