Thursday 25th November

Good morning everyone,  I hope you are all feeling well.

Today we are continuing with our work on division.  Have a little look at the sheet below.  You are going to need some different coloured felt tip pens to help you to group the strawberries and answer the division sums.

Thursday Maths

Please can you have a play on this game to practise finding multiples of 2,3,5,10.

Coconut multiples

For your English work today, I would like you to write the introduction to a news paper report about the Great Fire of London.

Re-read the newspaper report we looked at earlier in the week.

Newspaper text Example

Your introduction must contain the 5Ws.

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?

If you want to,  when you re-read our text, underline the 5Ws and use them to help you write your own introduction to a  newspaper report.  Make sure you start your sentences with a capital letter and end each one with a full stop.

Please can you practise your nativity words and your spellings.

Please can you read.  Here is a reading comprehension for you to look at.  Choose the one most suitable for you.


Butterfly Comprehension 1

Butterfly Comprehension 2

Butterfly Comprehension 3

This afternoon is our science afternoon.

We have talked about transparent, translucent and opaque in class, can you remember what those words mean?  Tell someone at home and explain this scientific vocabulary.

Can you have a look around your house for as many transparent, translucent and opaque objects as you can.  Can you sort them and draw them into this chart.

Science Chart

I hope you have a great day.

Mrs Pope