Thursday 25th June

Hi everyone,


I hope you’re all having a good week, I’ve seen some brilliant work so far – thank you to everyone who has been keeping in touch and letting me know what they have been up to. Here is what we will be doing today.



Yesterday we made a poster all about how to keep our bodies healthy, but I’m wondering how well you know all the body parts! Today I would like you to label all the different parts of your body. There are a few ways you could do this. You could either draw a picture of yourself and write the labels on (you could challenge yourself and see if you could write 10 labels!), or print out the sheet below. You could cut and stick all the labels on, or use the sounds you know to write the labels instead – just see how you are feeling! Or if you wanted to, you could write all the different body parts that you know onto post-its and then use these to label yourself or someone else in your family!

Choose whichever way you fancy doing today.

Body Part Labelling



Today I would like you to recap on your addition skills again. I know you really enjoyed the games from a few weeks ago, so I thought you might like to have another go.

You can choose from either of these links, the first link is slightly easier than the second.

Choose whichever one suits you best.


Have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x