Thursday 25th February

Good morning my lovelies, I cannot believe it is Thursday already.

Remember we are meeting at 11.30 am today, if you can, for the next chapter of The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.

It is always good to revisit things we have learned and today, to warm our brains up, we are going to be revisiting time.

Telling the time game

For your maths today, I would like you to follow your favourite recipe and make something delicious to share with your family.  The reason I would like you to do this is because I would like you to use your maths skills to weigh out  ingredients carefully and make sure you are using the scales correctly.  We are going to make Rice Krispie cakes in school. Here is our recipe.  You can make whatever you wish to at home but I like this recipe as it is simple to follow and the weights you need to measure are quite simple.  I know we always begin the day with maths, but you may do your maths tonight when you are making your tea. Have a crazy day!  Make sure you have someone to help you and it may be a good time to offer to do the washing up too!

Rice Krispie Cake Recipe

For our English today, we are going to be organising a jumbled up explanation.  You are all experts in the life cycle of a frog.  Can you have a look at this muddled up explanation and put it back in the right order?

Have a look at this PowerPoint to get you started.

Thursday PowerPoint

Here is the muddled up explanation.

Frog life cycle explanation to reorder

Have a little brain break.  Your wrinkly brains deserve it!

Tiddalik the Frog Part 1

Tiddalik the Frog Part 2


Please can you practise your spellings and read some of your reading book.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon. So if you are able to, have a bike ride, go for a walk or play a game of football in the garden, have a dance, do something active and make the most of the sunshine.

I hope you have a lovely day, let me know how you get on or if you need anything.

Remember, ‘Show and Tell’ is at 2.30 tomorrow, if you have something you are really proud of, it would be lovely to see you.

Love from Mrs Pope