Thursday 25th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Today, I have a challenge for you!

Can you arrange the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 into three 3 digit numbers so that their total is close to 1500?

What is the closest you can get to 1500?

You might also like to think about how many different ways there are of getting close to 1500.

Remember, Mr Boffey is doing a live maths lesson at 9am.


Today, you are going to be putting your ideas together to write your poem.

I particularly like this verse:

I don’t like alliteration

We learnt about it in school

but it’s seriously, stupendously silly;

definitely drastically difficult;

terribly, troublingly tricky.

I can’t wait to read your poems!


Today, we are looking at ways to absorb sound.

Read through the PowerPoint and note down the key points.

Lesson Presentation Soundproofing

If you are able to, carry out the investigation on sound proofing and record your results.

Activity Sheet 5 Soundproofed Studio