Thursday 21st May

Today it is Maths, P.E, English and Science.


First of all, investigate the number 72. Next, stand up and say your 3 times table. Remember Mrs Howland’s way of remembering 7 X 3. Then do lesson 4 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Please continue to follow the plan you did on Tuesday. I am looking forward to reading your letters.

Remember the following points:

  • The point of view is clearly stated in the first sentence.
  • The strongest argument is introduced first.
  • Questions to provoke a reaction.
  • Statistics to reinforce the argument.
  • Use furthermore and in addition to link your ideas.
  • Use indeed and besides this to emphasise a point.
  • Use in conclusion to sum up the argument.

If you have completed your letter, and checked it through carefully, you might want to make yourself a bookmark.


Take part in the Yr 4 Science lesson on vertebrates and invertebrates, on the BBC Bitesize website.