Thursday 21st May

Hello Everyone!

English – Today, we would like you to write the middle section of your story. Mrs Hilditch coloured this section purple on the table yesterday so you can see what you should write next. Some of you may be writing this as a story in your workbook, a script for a puppet show, as a comic strip with speech bubbles or maybe as an ebook, it’s up to you.

Maths – Please continue with the White Rose Maths work on time from the links given earlier this week.

RE –  In our final lesson of RE, we will think about the promises made at a Baptism/Christening. Here is a short bible passage to read – scroll down to the Scripture Resource on the Be inspirational website link. Also watch this 2 part video about a family preparing for a Christening. Have you been Baptised or do you know any family or friends who have been? What promises were made? Who made them? Think about what it is like to follow God.

PE – Enjoy keeping active for at least an hour a day. There are lots of ideas for short activity sessions here:

I am going to make an obstacle course in my garden today!