Thursday 21st January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Please continue to follow the plan you did on Tuesday. I am looking forward to reading all your letters.

Remember the following points:

  • The point of view is clearly stated in the first sentence.
  • The strongest argument is introduced first.
  • Use questions to provoke a reaction.
  • Use statistics to reinforce the argument.
  • Use furthermore and in addition to link your ideas.
  • Use indeed and besides this to emphasise a point.
  • Use in conclusion to sum up the argument.

If you have completed your letter, and checked it through carefully, you might want to make yourself a bookmark.


We are continuing to look at finding the area of a shape today. Remember area is the amount of space the shape takes up. Watch the video and then try the worksheet below.


Y4-Spring-Block-2-WO3-Making-shapes-2019 (1)

Y4-Spring-Block-2-ANSWERS Making-shapes-2019

Some of you might like to choose a statement to investigate like the area and perimeter of a rectangle are never the same. Remember you need to find out whether the statement is always true, sometimes true or completely false.


Today, we are looking at how vibrations change when a sound gets louder.

Watch the BBC Bitesize clip and then take a look at the presentation below.

BBC Video on sound

Lesson Presentation Hearing Sounds

Next, record what you now know about how vibrations change when a sound gets louder.