Thursday 21st January

Hello everyone, here’s what we will be doing today.


Morning activity

Today I would like you to have a go at the letter formation sheet below. This set of letters are called the ‘curly caterpillar’ letters and are the ones that we often struggle with forming correctly.

Curly Caterpillar Letter Formation


Letters and Sounds

Thursday 21st



We are going to continue learning about height today.

Start off by having a go at this online activity first.

Then, I would like you to draw a picture of your family, but can you draw everyone in height order? So the shortest member of your family first, all the way up to the tallest member of your family.

If you’d like to, you could label all the members of your family too.


Afternoon activity

We are going to learn about past and present vehicles. The past means things that happened before today, and can mean a long time ago. Have a look at all the vehicles below, can you recognise what they all are?

Think about whether this is a new vehicle (one that we would see today) or an old one (one that we might have seen a long time ago). Talk about how they are different from the vehicles that we see today and why they might have changed.

Old and New Transport Photos There is no need to print these off.

Then you might want to have a go at the sheet below to spot the difference between the old and new versions of each type of transport. If you are feeling very brainy today, you could even have a go at labelling the pictures!

Past and Present Transport Apologies this wasn’t uploaded sooner!



Apologies again, I usually record the story for Tapestry in the morning once I get to school. There were a few hiccups with getting to school today due to the floods, so I will upload a story tomorrow instead. In the mean time, today you could choose your favourite story from home for your grown up to read.


I hope you all have a brilliant day, I’m looking forward to seeing how you all get on.

Miss Roberts x