Thursday 21st January

I have invited you all to a Teams meeting at 2pm today (Thursday) You will find an invitation in your emails. It’s just a chance to say hello to everyone and see their faces as I know you are all missing each other.

A reminder of how to access your email here: Accessing Emails

English: Thursday and Friday

LO: To continue to write my own refugee story. 

I’d like you to continue to write your story today in paragraphs. Follow your planning. I have included a success criteria for you to check your work against as you write and double check once you have finished. It’s important that you think carefully about your word choices and include problems, you now know refugees have to face.Success Criteria

I know you will end at different points today so the writing of your story can carry over from today to Friday. Please remember to edit your work once you have finished. Read through your story, checking to see if you can make better word choices, check for misspelt words and any missing punctuation e.g. Capital letters for names and places, commas for clarity,

Reading Comprehension:

Please follow the link to lesson 4 Anthony Horowitz


Have a go at playing spelling tennis with someone at home. If you were trying to spell ‘cough’ then one of you would start by saying ‘c’ then the other person would say ‘o’ then the person who started would say ‘u’ and so on, going back and forth between you. Have the words hidden so that you use your memory not your vision!