Thursday 19th

Hi all,
Here are some bits for you to get on with on Thursday whilst you are at home. I will try and stick to our timetable as much as I can so that you can get some structure at home.

We have been working on our gymnastic skills. Can you have a go at performing as many of the rolls as you can from these cards?


Letters and sounds:
Have a look at the sound ‘ow’, can you make a list of real words and a list of silly words including this sound?

We have been doing capacity this week so can you have a look at some of the cups and containers in your house and order them by size? Could you fill them and half fill them? Could you select the best sized mug or cup to make your favourite drink in?

On Thursday it’s our Library day so enjoy your favourite book with your grown up. You could always turn it into a snuggly story and sit on the sofa under a blanket. We also have child initiated time in the afternoon so have some time to play with your favourite toys and games.

Enjoy your day, I’ll be thinking of you all!
Miss Roberts