Thursday 14th May

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all survived your afternoon as a Victorian child.  I am really disappointed that we couldn’t have done this in school but it does sound like some of your Mums and Dads had a great time being a strict Victorian teacher!

Morning Maths:

Have a go at playing this game.  You are going back over practising telling the time, this is a very important skill.  Choose a level that is best for you and watch out for the cat!


It looks like lots and lots of you are doing an amazing job with your maths.  Well done everyone.

Today we are on Year 2,Week 4, Lesson 4.

Here is the link to the activities.



After seeing all of your amazing calligrams yesterday, I thought you might like to have another go today but without me giving you a topic.  Today you can choose what you would like to make your calligram about.  My little girl Lizzie decided to make one about our family and pets.  We ended up with a lovely calligram we can print and frame.

Here is the website again. I’m pretty sure you all know how to use it by now.


Practise your spellings for the last time this week.  You could try writing them with your eyes closed!!


Have a read of this reading comprehension and answer the questions,  It should only take you a few minutes.

Reading Comprehension

This afternoon I would like you to have a look at an extremely old story.  It is the Christian story of how the world was created.

Have a look at this PowerPoint.

The Creation Story

Now you can make a booklet to explain it.  If you don’t want to use the sheet below, a blank piece of paper will do a fantastic job too!

The creation Story Booklet

Here’s how to make the booklet.

How to make a booklet instructions

I hope you have a fantastic day.   Keep me posted with how you are getting on.

Mrs Pope xx