Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all happy and healthy.

English – Today, we would like you to write the middle of your story. This is the exciting part! Remember that you write a story in paragraphs so if you haven’t started a new one yet, you can for your middle section. Use your planning to help you. Stanley may be facing a problem or challenge. It’s a good time to bring in some doubt or suspense…is he feeling worried or scared? It would be great if you could include fronted adverbials to describe time, place or manner eg As quick as a flash,… or In the distance, …Nervously, …

Fronted-Adverbials-word-mat 2

Maths – Please follow Lesson 4 on White Rose Maths today. Mr Morris has kindly uploaded all videos, activity sheets and answer sheets to the school news page for this week.

RE – Our RE lessons in school involve a lot of discussion and sharing of thoughts and for most of the time, this will be the case for the RE I post for home learning. We have been looking at promises. God made lots of promises to Christians and these can reassure them at difficult times in their lives. We are going to look at the Footprints in the Sand poem today. Please click on the music resource on this page, watch the video, discuss with someone at home and answer the questions. You do not have to record your answers.

PE – Keep active today. Here is an idea for a creative movement lesson: