Thursday 14th January

Good morning,

I cannot believe it is Thursday already!

Let’s get started with our maths shall we.

Here is a place value maths game for you to have a go at.

Place Value Basketball

Here is today’s PowerPoint.

Thursday Maths PowerPoint

Here are your sheets to go with the PowerPoint.  Sheet 3 is the most challenging.

Sheet 1

sheet 2

sheet 3

To begin with, for your your English today, I would like you to play the board game you made yesterday.  Make sure you are really clear about all of the rules for how you play your game.  Have a look at what equipment you need. How many players can play the game?  Explain to someone at home how you play your game.  Perhaps they could ask you a question or two about it to make you think carefully.

Here is the PowerPoint

Instructions PowerPoint

Here is a template for writing your instructions if you wish to use it.

Instructions template

Please can you practise your spellings.

Find somewhere quiet and spend a few minutes reading your reading book.

Here is a little brain break for you!

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.

This is really popular in our house!!!  Have a go!

Keeping with oceans themes this week,  why not try a little yoga?

Perhaps you can also get out and about for a walk or bike ride?  Play in the garden, make up a dance.  Have fun and be safe whatever you do.

Have a lovely day everyone and let me knowhow you are doing.

Love from Mrs Pope x