Thursday 14th January

Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a lovely week so far. Here is what we will be doing today.


Morning work

This morning I would like you to have a go at doing some rhyming. Have a look at the pictures below, each strip has different rhyming words on it but one word is trying to trick you out! Have a look at all the pictures and spot which is the odd one out for each line. There is no need to print these out, just have a look on the screen and work out the answer.



Letters and Sounds

Our Letters and Sounds PowerPoint is below. We are learning the new sound ‘w’ today, then can you watch Mr Thorne below.

Thursday 14th January



We are going to continue with some subtraction today.

First, to get you started have a go at using some of the objects you have been using to help you with your maths to solve this number sentence below…

7 – 3 =

So, start off by getting 7 pieces of Lego ready as that’s the first number. Then take away 3 of them as that’s the second number. How many are you left with? That’s the answer!

Below there is a colour by numbers for you to complete, you will need to work out the answers to each of the number sentences before you know which colour you’ll need for each part. Keep using you Lego / buttons / beads etc. to help you work out the answer! There are 3 different pictures, so pick your favourite and have a go.

Colour by number – subtraction


Afternoon activity

Today we are going to have a little think about waterproof items. If something is waterproof then it means it keeps the water out – can you think of any items that need to be waterproof? How about some of the things that we need to wear when it rains?

Have a look through the PowerPoint and discuss whether each item is waterproof or not. Think about what you would use it for to help your thinking.

Then, can you go around your house / garden and see if you can find 5 things that are waterproof. Have a think why each item needs to be waterproof, for example wellies need to be waterproof so that we can splash in puddles and our feet don’t get wet.

Waterproof or not waterproof?


I have uploaded a new story to Tapestry for you to enjoy.


Enjoy your day,

Miss Roberts x