Thursday 11th February

Good morning everybody, I hope you are well.  We have made it to Thursday.  Let’s get going…

Here is a game that will help you to practise your fact families knowledge that we talked about yesterday.  When you have clicked on the link, choose time and divide.  This game will help you to learn the multiplication and division facts for the 2,3,5 and 10 times table.

Fact Families Game

For your maths today I would like you to print out the cards below.  I would like you to look at the cards and sort them into fact families.  There should be 4 cards for each fact family. 2 multiplication calculations and 2 division calculations.

matching division and multiplication cards

Have a little brain break.

You may recognise this story, we have it in school, but it’s such a good story I couldn’t resist.

For your English today, I would like you write your own version of ‘The Bear and the Piano’.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint.  This will help you get started.

Thursday’s PowerPoint

Thursday story grid

Here is the original version of the Bear and the Piano just in case you would like to watch it again.

Please can you practise your spellings and find somewhere comfy to read a little of your book.

Thursday afternoon is our PE afternoon.

If you can, perhaps go for a walk or a bike ride.  Do some dancing or play a game of football in the garden.

If you would like to, here are a few ideas to get you active.

I hope you have a lovely day.  Keep me posted on how you are getting on.

Mrs Pope x