Thursday 11th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing alright! Here is our work for today…


Morning activity

Have a go at the ‘I Spy and Count to 10’ activity below!


I Spy and Count



Letters and Sounds

Thursday 11th



I hope you all managed to work out how to do a pictogram yesterday – I told you it wasn’t as complicated as it seems!

First, have a go at playing one of these games to make some pictograms.


Then, have a look at the Zoo Block Diagram sheet below and have a go at turning it into a pictogram using the skills you learnt yesterday. It says to colour each block in, but you could always draw each animal in, or cut and stick them into each square instead. The choice is yours!

Zoo Pictogram

Then answer the following questions:

  • Which animal was there the most of?
  • Which animal was there the least of?
  • Was there the same amount of any animals?


Afternoon activity

We’re going to do a little bit more music today. I hope you all enjoyed experimenting on Chrome Music Lab last week – we loved it in school! Today I’ve got something a little bit funkier for you.


This website seems to work best on laptops or computers. If you open it on your phone or tablet then it asks you to download the app, which I think is free.

So, this afternoon you are going to be DJs! Have a play around on the website, if you drag the pictures onto the people then it makes music. Once all the people are filled up then you’ve made a song! Have a play around and see how many different combinations you can come up with – we’ve been doing a little bit of this in school already and we LOVE it! There’s a lot of cool dancing going on.



There is a story on Tapestry for you to enjoy today.


Have a brilliant day everyone – only one more to go!

Miss Roberts x