This week in Room 2

Firstly, I’d like to thank you all for your great work in making some wonderful costumes for our movie.  Thank you so much, the children loved dressing up and filming our movie – even if we were a little cold!  We just need to finish editing our work and then we will have a movie premier next Tuesday straight after school, we’d love it if you could pop in after school to watch our movie and hopefully some of our group movies that the children made independently.

In maths this week we are learning to tell the time.  As always it’s proving rather tricky as many children find time challenging.  Time is a skill that needs to be regularly practised and revisited, so your support and revision at home is crucial and much appreciated. To help you reinforce the same methods we teach at school, these are the key tips I’ve shared with the children.

The long minute hand NEVER points to the numbers – just the little minute lines around the outside

Only the short hour hand points to the numbers.

Steps to tell the time …

1. Find the minute hand, decide – is it on the ‘minutes past’ or ‘minutes to’ side?

2. Count how many minutes past the hour it is, or how many there are to go until the next hour.

3. Then look at the hour it has travelled past or moving towards.

I’ve tried to get the children to follow these steps every time.  I’ve sent home a little board game for the children to practise with someone at home.

In English we are learning the story of Romulus and Remus and are using the story as a basis to write our own Roman Myth.

We have been learning parts of the body in French and singing ‘Head shoulders, knees and toes’ in French.

We have started our new timetable this week, which has enabled us to fit much more into our day and seems to be working well so far!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Smout