‘Things to ask me’ WB 3.10.2022

It has been another busy week in class Antarctica!

Things to ask:

  • Do you recognise these sounds: i n m d ? Can you think of any words that start with these sounds?
  • Can you tell me the story of The Little Red Hen? Do you remember any of the actions?
  • What is one more than / one less than [any number within 10]?
  • What can you tell me about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia?
  • Can you sing the ‘days of the week’ song?

Next week:

Please can we kindly ask that children leave their own toys at home and are not in bags. We don’t allow them to play with them in school as we don’t want to risk them getting lost or broken. Thank you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team.