‘Things to ask me’ WB 26.09.2022

Firstly, thank you for the effort you put into the children’s penguin costumes on Thursday! It was a great, fun-filled day and having them dressed as penguins made it very special!

This week:

  • We have been looking at the sounds s/a/t/p this week. Can your child think of words which begin with these sounds? Can they show you how to write them? Do they remember the names of the letters as well as the sounds?
  • We have been reading ‘The Very Helpful Hedgehog’ in literacy. Perhaps they could recall what happened in the story – how did Isaac the hedgehog help donkey?
  • Can they show you how to write numbers 1-5? Do they remember some of the rhymes to help?
  • What can they remember about Antarctica? Can they tell you any facts about penguins?


You will have hopefully seen that we have sent the children home with their first reading books this week (one picture book and one with words). Please read the Bug Club letter and inside their reading record for more information.

We will change the children’s reading book every Tuesday and Friday so please ensure they are in book bags on these days.

Please can we also ask that the children do not put their water bottles in their book bags as spillages often happen and we want to prevent books from getting ruined.

Next week: Individual school photos will be taken on Tuesday.

Thank you for your support. We hope you have a great weekend.

The Reception team.