‘Things to ask me’ WB 19.09.2022

It has been a great week in Antarctica class! The children are really getting to grips with the school routine now and are beginning to be a lot more independent with things such as collecting and clearing away their lunch, putting away their belongings and going to the toilet. Here are some things you could ask your child based on what we have done this week:

  • Can you think of a word that rhymes with cat / dog / sock etc…?
  • The children went to Antarctica on their magic carpet during snack time this week – what can they tell you about the continent?
  • Can you show me how to write numbers 1, 2 and 3? Do you remember the rhymes to help you?
  • What is a family portrait?

Next week:

  • Next Thursday 29th September, the whole school will be taking part in Continent Day. Every class will take a break from ‘normal’ lessons and spend the whole day creatively learning about their class continent. As ours in ANTARCTICA, we would LOVE the children to come to school dressed as penguins! Please can they wear their trainers so they can still take part in PE! Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Reception Team