Things to ask me w/b: 02.01.23 and a couple of notes!

It has been a lovely start to the Spring Term. The children have really impressed myself and Miss Roberts with how they have settled straight back into school life. This half term, our topic is Vehicles. 

Things to ask me: 

  • This week we have been reading the story ‘You can’t take an elephant on the bus,’ can you remember any of the vehicles and animals from the story? 
  • What does adding mean? Does the number get bigger or smaller?
  • What song have we started learning in music? 
  • Which vehicles go on the land, in the sea or in the air? 
  • Can you remember any of the fine motor activities you did with Miss Roberts? Were they easy or tricky? 

A reminder that Forest School is now on Tuesdays, starting next week, so please send your child in wearing weather appropriate clothing, their wellies (if they’re not still at school) and their waterproofs. 

Finally, children who are age 5+ are no longer eligible for free milk. If you would like to pay for milk, for you child to have at snack time, speak with the office and they will be happy to help. Children under 5 will continue to get free milk.

Have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to seeing you next week.