Things to ask me for week beginning 14.3.22


Well it has been another very busy week in Room 4. I’m sure it was only Monday yesterday!

Here are the things you could ask the children about their learning this week:

  • What is a nocturnal animal?
  • Can you name 3 nocturnal animals?
  • Can you remember what we call an animal that comes out in the day time? (diurnal)
  • Can you name 3 diurnal animals?
  • Are humans nocturnal or diurnal?
  • What does the word habitat mean?
  • Can you name 3 animals that live in a frozen habitat? (penguins, polar bears, seals etc)
  • Can you name 3 animals that live in the rainforest? (monkey, parrot, snake, frog etc)
  • Can you name 3 animals that live in Africa? (elephant, giraffe, lion etc)
  • What are the stages of a frog’s lifecycle? (Frogspawn, tadpole, froglet, frog)
  • This week we have been looking at the vocabulary associated with weight and capacity. We have been finding heavier and lighter using the balance scales and measuring the weight of toy animals using cubes. Perhaps over the weekend you could follow a simple recipe and make something so that the children can continue to use this vocabulary of heavier, lighter, balance, same, measure, scales, weigh, weight.  Here is my favourite biscuit recipe, it’s very simple!

Fork Biscuits

We have learned a few more sounds this week.  The digraphs ‘oo’ – as in moon and ‘oo’ as is book. We have also started to think about the digraph  ‘ar’ like star.  We have been practising the phase 3 tricky word ‘my’  too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Pope x