Things to ask me for WB 6.6.22

We have had another busy week this week in Room 4.

Here are some things things you can ask the children about their learning this week.

  • Can you show me the action for the trigraphs ‘air, ure and ear’.  (air is fanning your face, ear, pointing to your ear and ure pointing at somebody else).
  • Can you show 3 ways to make 5 using 2 hands.
  • How many doubles sums can you show me using your fingers on 2 hands.  Can you remember the totals?
  • Can you remember how to spell our new word ‘all’.
  • We have been practising counting in 2s to 20 and 10s to 100 this week. see if you can remember the pattern.
  • This week we have been looking at shapes.  Can you name all these shapes?

Remember, we call a diamond shape a rhombus.

  • Have a search at home, how many 2D shapes can you find around the house and name?
  • We have been talking about the things we can do now that we couldn’t do when we were a baby.  What could you do when you were a baby? What can you do now?

Hopefully our class caterpillars will be in school next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope x