Things to ask me for WB 3.5.22

Well it is the end of another week already.   Here are a few things you can ask your children about this week.

We have been focussing on making the number 5 this week. Learning our number bonds.  Using 5 counters or 5 pencils or anything else you have to hand, can they show you different ways to make 5.  eg 4 and 1, 3 and 2 etc.

Can they re-tell the story of the Little Red Hen- using actions for the Little Red Hen (flapping your wings). The lazy dog (putting your paws up). The sleepy cat (putting your hands together and pretending to sleep and the noisy duck (making a beak with your hand and making a quacking motion).

We have been reviewing the digraphs ‘oo’ as in moon, ‘oo’ as in book, ‘ar’ as in farm and ‘or’ as in fork.   See if you spot them in reading books or story books.  Can you make  list of words using them.

We looked at the different parts of plants.  As you are out and about this weekend, can they find and describe different leaves, can they show you where the veins are.  Can they tell you what the leaves job is (to make sugar).  Can they identify the stem, roots, buds, flowers, petals, pollen and tell you what their jobs are.

We have been thinking about the types of fruits and vegetables we like to eat.  Next week we are going to be tasting some and using them for our art work.

We have planted runner bean seeds this week and have started a bean diary to see how the seed changes over time.  We are looking forward to getting a lot more planting done next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope