Things to ask me for WB 26.4.22

We seem to have been very busy this week and we’ve only been back 4 days!

Things to do with or ask the children this week:

  • can you find the story of The Little Red hen at home? (If not, there are loads of great versions online)
  • can you re-tell the story of The Little Red Hen to someone at home.
  • which bits of the story are repeated often? (Not I said the … Who will help me? said the…)
  • we have been ordering times in the day. Can you think of 2 things you do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night?
  • we have been ordering the days of the week. Can you remember what day is after Wednesday or comes before Saturday?
  • Can you remember the name of the artist we have talked about this week? (Vincent Van Gogh)
  • We looked at one of his paintings, can you remember what flower he painted? (sunflowers)
  • can you spot any new signs of spring this weekend?  What are they?
  • Can you remember the name of one of the herbs in the classroom? (basil, chives, mint, oregano)
  • We have been practising counting in 10s to 100.  If I said 0, 10, 20 …can you finish the number sequence up to 100?

We have reviewed the the digraphs ‘ow’, ‘ai’, ‘igh’ and the tricky word ‘you’.

Our PE is now on a Monday and a Thursday. Forest School is on a Wednesday.

If anybody has any plant pots, soil or seeds we could use in school we would be very grateful. We are hoping to do lots of gardening this term and would really appreciate some of these items to help us resource this.

Have a lovely long weekend,

Mrs Pope x