Things to ask me for WB 21.3.22

I cannot believe it is Friday again, the weeks are whizzing by!  It have been another busy week in Room 4.  This week we have continued to practise our counting to 20 and beyond.  Making sure our counting is accurate by touching each object as we count.   Some questions you could ask are:

  • how do you write the number 15 or 13 (they are the tricky ones!)
  • how do we write the number 20?
  • Which is bigger, 17 or 19?
  • would you rather 5 or 15 sweets? Why?

You could play some dice games where the children can show off their subitising skills. This is were you know the number of objects without counting them.  You can only do this to about 5 or 6 so after that, you would need to count the number of objects.   This week we counted pictures of tadpoles. Some we could subitise, some we needed to count.

We have started to count in 2s.  We do this by starting from 0 and saying it loudly, whispering the number 1 and saying the number 2 out loud, whispering 3, shouting 4 and so on.  It is useful to have a number line to 20 to help but some of us are getting pretty confident without.  We have also used a 100 square to practise counting in 10s.

We have to make sure that we say the ‘ty’ part of the number clearly so we don’t confuse it with ‘teen’.

We have been watching our tadpoles carefully.

  • how are the tadpoles different this week?
  • what are gills?
  • what do the tadpoles eat?

In our English work we have been writing questions for our exciting visitor.

  • how do you draw a question mark?
  • can you ask me a question?

On Friday we had a very exciting visitor.

  • what animals did you see?
  • which was your favourite?
  • can you remember an amazing fact about any of the animals?

We have been practising the digraphs ‘oa’, ‘ar’, ‘oo’ and ‘ai’  this week.

  • Can you think of any words with the digraph ‘ar’ in?
  • Can you make/write a list of ‘ar’ words?

Using a paintbrush and water on the path outside, can you remember how to spell: the, to, he, she, me?

I hope you have a lovely, restful weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Mrs Pope x