Things to ask me for WB 19.6.22

I hope you have all had a lovely week.  Here are some things to ask the children about their learning this week or some ideas for things you may like to do at home.

  • We have been learning about 3D shapes this week. We have named: cone, sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder.  Can you go on a little hunt and find some of these shapes around the house.
  • Can you remember what the word vertices means?
  • Can you tell everybody what has happened to our caterpillars this week?
  • What does the word metamorphosis mean?
  • what does the word excrete mean?
  • In our art work this week we have looked at landscapes, what is a landscape picture?  Perhaps you can have a go at drawing one.
  • We have learnt the last of our phase 3 tricky words. ‘are’ and ‘all’.  How many times can you write them.  You could write them in lots of different colours on a piece of paper or in chalk, whatever you fancy.
  • Can you remember what Hindu women have on their hands, and sometimes legs, for a celebration (henna patterns called mehndi)

Thank you for another amazing week Room 4.  Yet again you have blown us away with your amazingness!

See you all on Monday

Mrs Pope