Things to ask me for W/B 23.5.22

This half term seems to have been and gone so fast!

The seedlings in our garden are growing well.  They have been watered regularly by the rain this week.  The chicks are growing too.  They have been well cared for by the children. We have all enjoyed one or two cuddles with them. Sometimes they even fall asleep on us!

This week we have been busy as ever.  Here are some things you can ask us.

  • We have been looking at doubles sums this week in maths.  Can you tell me what 1+1=, 2+2=, 3+3=, 4+4= and 5+5=?
  • Can you make a doubles sum – you could use your fingers, some counters or even some slices of carrot.
  • We have practised counting in 2s to 10 and 10s to 100. Can you practise this at home or in the car on a journey?
  • Use this 100 square to help you if you like. How do you count in 2s and how do you count in 10s?

  • look at this picture.  Can you spot which numbers are odd and which are even?  Can you explain why they are odd or even?

  • Can you remember why we have a special celebration picnic lunch this week? (Queen’s Jubilee)
  • This week we have been looking at the last of the phase 3 sounds.  We looked at ‘ure‘ like pure, ‘air‘, ‘ear‘ and ‘er‘.  How many words can you think of with these sounds in?
  • Can you remember the actions that go with these trigraphs and digraph?
  • We have practised writing the tricky work you and they this week.  Can you write them at home?  You could try writing them how we do in the classroom – Write them BIG, write them SMALL, write them WITHOUT LOOKING AT ALL.

I hope you have a wonderful half term and we will see you on the 6th June.

Mrs Pope x