Things to ask me 31.03.23

In literacy, you have been working really hard on your independent writing. 

  • What animal(s) did you write about? 
  • Can you remember any facts about them? 

In maths, we have been counting up to 20 and back down again.  

  • Can you start at the number 3 and count up to 15? 
  • Can you start at the number 7 and count up to 20? 
  • Can you start at 20 and count down to 9? 
  • Can you start at 18 and count down to 11? 

Can you tell your grown up what you did in Forest School? (went on an egg hunt) 

What was in the classroom when you got back? 

We went down to the church for an Easter Experience.  

  • Who did we learn about? 
  • What were given to eat? 

In PE with Mrs Davies, we continued with our multi-skills work. 

  • Which parts of the body did you balance your bean bag on? 
  • What did we do for 1st gear? 2nd gear? 3rd gear? 4th gear? 

As of the first week back after the holidays, ‘Things to ask me’ will only be posted on the Weduc/Reach more parents app.

Have a lovely break