Things to ask me 24.03.23

Things to ask me 

  • We have become authors this week! Can you remember what an author does? 
  • What books have we been writing? (Dear Zoo) 
  • What animals did you choose for your book? 
  • We brought home some animals that we had made in Forest School this week. Can you tell me what you made them out of? (clay) 
  • What did you have to do to the clay (squidge, roll, pinch) 
  • In maths we have been using the scales, what do we use them for? 
  • Can you remember what the scales do when both sides weigh the same? (they balance) 
  • What is a habitat? (where an animal lives) 
  • What does nocturnal mean? (animals that are awake at night) 
  • Can you name any nocturnal animals? (bat, badger, fox) 
  • What does diurnal mean? (animals that are awake in the day) 
  • Can you name any diurnal animals? (birds, sheep, dogs etc.) 
  • In PE with Mrs Davies, what did we use to move to? (instruments- drum, tambourine, wooden block, chime bar) 
  • We played the Bean Game. Can you show your grown up : 
  • Jumping bean? 
  • Broad bean? 
  • Jelly bean? 

A reminder that we use PE kit on Wednesday and Friday. Please can kits come in on Monday and we will send them home on Friday. Thanks!