Things to ask me 10.03.23

  • Can you tell your grown up what happened in the story ‘Owl Babies’?
  • What were the names of the owl babies? (Sarah, Percy, Bill)
  • We looked at different animals and their babies. Can you remember what the name is for a baby– sheep, chicken, cow, pig, goat?
  • How many ways can you make the number 5?
  • Can you use your fingers or things around your house (teddies, food items, beads) to complete these sums?
    • 4 + 2 =
    • 5 + 3 =
    • 2 + 1 =
    • 6 + 3 =
    • 4 + 3 =
  • We had a fantastic, albeit cold, trip to Hoo Zoo. What animals did you see?
  • What was your favourite animal?
  • Can you remember what animal was brought to us for us to stroke? (a snake)
  • What did you see on our journey to/from the zoo?

Have a lovely day at home and enjoy the snow. Remember to wrap up warm and keep yourselves safe. If you are looking for a little snow activity inspiration, I’ve attached a few photos of things you could try.

Looking forward to seeing you again next week! Have a lovely weekend.