Themed Weeks!

We are really excited to share our plans for learning over the next weeks. Staff have been working hard to plan exciting, creative and thought-provoking learning for all the children from our school community.

What weeks are coming up?

Week 1 (wb 15th June) – Diversity Week

Week 2 (wb 22nd June) – Sports Week

Week 3 (wb 29th June) – Transition Week (this will include lots of activities and tasks which you will share with the teacher you will have from Sept 2020)

Week 4 (wb 6th July) – Art Week

Week 5 (wb 13th July) – Music Week

What can you expect?
You will see a general website post with information about the upcoming week. This will give you a sense of the daily themes and some ideas about what to expect. We have worked very hard to plan activities that won’t require any unusual equipment or resources. However, for sports week (for example) there is a list of items you could be gathering in preparation.

Each day there will be an English task, a maths task and an afternoon task linked to the theme. These tasks will be posted on the school website and will appear on each class’s page. We will also make sure that we post the links to the White Rose daily maths tasks as we know many children and parents have really got into an excellent routine with these. Your child’s class teacher may still post occasional ongoing tasks.

What else can I do?
We would really love our children to embrace these weeks. However, there may be some children who will want to do additional or alternative work. The following links will be useful if anyone wishes to explore other learning opportunities at any point:
Oak National Academy
This site has daily English, Maths and another subject for all year groups. The lessons contain videos, quizzes and tasks for children to work on in a home learning book.

BBC Daily Lessons
Once again, this site provides daily videos, quizzes and tasks (English, Maths and another subject) which your child can work through.