The week ahead

I hope everybody has had a great weekend.

The planning for the whole week is available on google classroom. If you want to change the day you do things you can BUT I will stick the schedule so you know what will be happening on teams.

Last week some of you said you struggled with some parts of the work. I can not stress enough the importance of Microsoft Teams. Use it if you are struggling. You can listen to my instructions and explanations at the start of the lesson. During the lesson you can ask me, Miss Lewis or Mrs Green questions. I know how useful some of you found this last week.

There are two changes to the timetable. I will now be reading the class novel at 12:15 every day instead of at 12:00. I do apologise for the change. On a Thursday at 2:30 there will be a slot on teams set aside for ‘show and tell’ – if you have any news you would like to share with others just join us live.