The end of the week.

Room 7 have had a brilliant week. As you can see on an earlier post we won a maths competition for schools in Shropshire.

This week the children have completed a reading comprehension paper, a spelling paper and a grammar and punctuation paper. All of these were from the 2015 SATs. I am very impressed with how well the children have done with these. If they can keep these scores up (and continue to improve as well as they have been doing) then they really should have no worries about the SATs in May.

Next week they will tackle a maths paper.

So that you know how they have got on I will send each of you a summary of how they have started in Year 6, how they perform in class and what their score was. I will send this to you as an email after half term. This will hopefully help you in readiness for parent consultations.

The pupil of the week was Jamie. He was nominated for getting the best score out of all of the children in Shropshire who entered the maths competition.

The Golden Achievers were : Will, Madeleine and Elsbeth. They all were VERY impressive when completing the spelling, punctuation and grammar tests. Between them they scored 202 marks out of a total of 210.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.


(I am afraid you will have to wait until Monday to see how Leeds get on as they don’t play until then – I am sure you all like to know this)