The Autumn Term – What are we studying?

The most important thing I have to share with you is what a wonderful start to the term Y5 have made. They have settled back into school life with amazing attitudes, great enthusiasm and are working brilliantly. I feel very lucky to be their teacher.

I thought I would let you know our main curriculum focus areas for this half-term so you have a sense about what we are working on:

Science – The Earth and Space

History – The Kingdom of Ancient Benin (Geography will follow in the second half term)

French – revising greetings and building up simple conversations

PE  – football skills and cricket

RE – learning about key aspects of the Muslim faith

PSHE  – exploring rights and responsibilities

Music – music is a challenge at the moment as we are, sadly, not able to sing in our classrooms or share instruments. However, we will be focusing on music appreciation this half-term: improving our ability to identify different instruments and using musical terminology to describe pieces.

Art – a study of Van Gogh’s Starry Night

English – we will look at non-fiction report writing (linked to both our history and science topics), narrative writing (using some fantastic science-fiction examples to inspire us) and poetry.

Maths – place value, number, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, shape and space.